
Museum of Early Trades & Crafts

Professional Development

Professional Development

Looking for a unique in-service program for teachers?

Schedule a professional development workshop at METC.

The workshops are designed to assist educators interested in finding ways to incorporate history and crafts into the school curriculum. Each program provides in-depth information about our programs and includes hands-on crafts. METC is a registered New Jersey Department of Education Professional Development Provider.

Two New Jersey State Accredited Continuing Education Units are available for each participant.

This program can also be provided on-site at your facility.

For more information or to schedule a session, call our Education Department at 973-377-2982, ext 12 for programs and prices.

Rethinking the Narrative: Historical and Artifactual Literacies and Museum Curation

In partnership with the Drew Writing Project

Asynchronous Professional Development Modules and Curriculum Guides can be paired with a grant-funded field trip to METC. To learn more about these materials visit the Drew Writing Project website. To learn more about booking a field trip, contact our Education Department at 973-377-2982 x 12 or education@metc.org.

Teachers will be trained to develop historical and artifactual literacies in students from underserved populations and engage their students in creating their own narratives about museum objects, providing content for future exhibits and programming for K-12 students.

This project is in partnership with the Drew Writing Project (DWP) and Digital Literacies Collaborative (DLC) and is funded by the National Writing Project’s Building a More Perfect Union grant program, which helps humanities organizations recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.